WTu3a Newsletter – May 2024
Our newsletter for May has now been published. Read all the news here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 23rd May, starting with the AGM, and followed with a talk entitled “Jenner and his vaccine”. The story of the development of vaccination is more complicated than you may think and our speaker Steve Bacon explains how Jenner developed the technique and how he got it accepted by society.
This year the Summer Lunch is on Thursday 25th July (and we are hoping for better weather this year!). There will be no speaker that day, but instead, a fabulous lunch will be provided by Lynne Padgett and her team of helpers, along with afternoon entertainment with the Folk, Blues and Beyond Group and the Handbell Ringers. This is a members only event and a ticket is required. Details on the flyer.
The fee is £5 per person and tickets will be on sale at the May and June General Meetings. If you are not able to attend the meetings to buy your ticket, you can pay by bank transfer (Bank: NatWest, Sort code: 60-01-31, Account number: 50853236 – Ref: Lunch) or by cheque, please contact Sarah Gunn at summerlunch@wtu3a.org.uk for details.
Remember – it’s Membership Subscription Renewal time – thank you to all those who have already paid and for those that haven’t yet done so, the details of how to pay are on the newsletter and website.
Future Speakers – Click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024. Contact Carol Johnson on speakersecretary@wtu3a.org.uk if you have any suggestions for a future speaker.