Weston Turville u3a first met in June 2010 and has grown to over 420 members meeting for various activities and outings throughout the month. Below is our Committee for 2024-2025.
Simon Evers
Sarah Gunn
Heather Macknight Webmaster and
Beacon Admin
Carol Johnson
Speaker Secretary
Mike Bennett
Acting Vice Chairman
Joy Mantell
Groups Coordinator
Jenny Hunt
Committee Member
Sylv Elliott
Committee Member
Annie Edwards
Committee Member
Pushpa Kelly
Committee Member
Terry Jones
Committee Member
Deborah Brown
Committee Member
Other non-committee roles:
Christmas Meal | Rosemary Williams, Sarah Gunn | xmaslunch@wtu3a.org.uk |
Monthly Meeting Refreshments | Lorraine Tiernery | refreshments@wtu3a.org.uk |
Trusted Tradespeople | Rosemary Williams | trusted@wtu3a.org.uk |
‘Meet and Greet’ Organiser | Glenda Bennett | meeters@wtu3a.org.uk |
More about Weston Turville u3a
If you would like to join the Weston Turville u3a please click the link to view and print the New Member Application Form. Complete and return using the instructions on the form.
If you have any membership queries, please contact the Membership Secretary, Mike Munday at membership@wtu3a.org.uk.
For the full text of our Constitution, please click (Constitution)
Please contact Mike Wise at newsletter@wtu3a.org.uk at least a two weeks before a monthly meeting to include articles in the newsletter.
Speaker Secretary
If you have heard a good speaker you think the Weston Turville u3a may enjoy listening to, please contact our Speaker Secretary, Carol Johnson at speaker.secretary@wtu3a.org.uk.
Our Privacy and Data Protection policies
See our Policies section here.
Anyone belonging to the u3a may start a special interest group which may consist of just a few like-minded people upwards. Our current groups range from Art to Walking and details can be found on the Group Activities page. If you are interested in starting a new group, full details about running a group at Weston Turville u3a can be found here, but please contact the Groups Liaison Coordinator in the first instance at groups@wtu3a.org.uk.