WTu3a Newsletter – May 2024
Our newsletter for May has now been published. Read all the news here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 23rd May, starting with the AGM, and followed with a talk entitled “Jenner and his vaccine”. The story of the development of vaccination is more complicated than you may think and our speaker Steve Bacon explains how Jenner developed the technique and how he got it accepted by society.
This year the Summer Lunch is on Thursday 25th July (and we are hoping for better weather this year!). There will be no speaker that day, but instead, a fabulous lunch will be provided by Lynne Padgett and her team of helpers, along with afternoon entertainment with the Folk, Blues and Beyond Group and the Handbell Ringers. This is a members only event and a ticket is required. Details on the flyer.
The fee is £5 per person and tickets will be on sale at the May and June General Meetings. If you are not able to attend the meetings to buy your ticket, you can pay by bank transfer (Bank: NatWest, Sort code: 60-01-31, Account number: 50853236 – Ref: Lunch) or by cheque, please contact Sarah Gunn at summerlunch@wtu3a.org.uk for details.
Remember – it’s Membership Subscription Renewal time – thank you to all those who have already paid and for those that haven’t yet done so, the details of how to pay are on the newsletter and website.
Future Speakers – Click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024. Contact Carol Johnson on speakersecretary@wtu3a.org.uk if you have any suggestions for a future speaker.
WTu3a Newsletter – April 2024
Our newsletter for April has now been published. Read all the news here.
Remember – it’s Membership Subscription Renewal time – thank you to all those who have already paid and for those that haven’t yet done so, the details of how to pay are on the newsletter and website.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 25th April, with a talk entitled “The Island of Crabs”. John Tyler’s presentation is about Christmas Island, a remote speck in the Indian Ocean beyond Java which is dominated by a vast number and variety of crabs, and his talk follows their annual migration.
Future Speakers – Click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024. Contact Carol Johnson on speakersecretary@wtu3a.org.uk if you have any suggestions for a future speaker.
Our thanks must go to Ash Webber of Webber Training, who has provided us with two very useful, interesting and informative sessions for 100+ of our members. If you missed the sessions, Ash has three simple steps to follow. Read them on the flyer here.
Thanks too, to Carol Johnson our Speaker Secretary for spotting this and bringing it to WTu3a.
WTu3a Newsletter – March 2024
Our newsletter for March has now been published. This month it’s a 6-page edition! Read it here.
*Reminder* – Defibrillator / CPR Training session – 18th April, 2pm, Weston Turville Village Hall
With almost 50 members already registered, if you would like to attend, and haven’t yet done so, please register your interest for this session at Chris Bennett at defib@wtu3a.org.uk to add your name to the list.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 28th March, with a talk entitled “Passports, Assassins, Traitors & Spies” Passport stories from history by Martin Lloyd. This is a slight change to the previously advertised talk (although still on the subject of Passports), where we hear stories of how three passports have played their influential role in the course of history; an attempted assassination which altered the regulations for issuing passports; the capture of a spy which caused a worldwide modification to the design of the document and for one person the passport itself which turned into a killer.
Click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024. Contact Carol Johnson on speakersecretary@wtu3a.org.uk if you have any suggestions for a future speaker.
WTu3a Newsletter – February 2024
Our newsletter for February has now been published, Read it here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 22nd February, with a talk entitled “The Sky At Night” by Gordon Rogers.
Update on Defibrillator / CPR Training session:
The Defribillator / CPR training session held recently was excellent and we are planning another in mid-April for those that missed out, or have heard just how good it was and now wish to attend. Full details will be available in due course. Please register your interest for this next session at Chris Bennett at defib@wtu3a.org.uk to add your name to the list.
Flower Arranging Group Leader, Gaynor Edwards, is retiring from leading this very successful group for 11 years. We would like express our thanks for her dedication to WTu3a over the years. If you would like to pick up the reins so the group can restart please contact Chris Bennett at chairman@wtu3a.org.uk.
Click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024. Contact Carol Johnson on speakersecretary@wtu3a.org.uk if you have any suggestions for a future speaker.
WTu3a Newsletter – January 2024
Our newsletter for January has now been published, and includes news of what is happening in the groups as we kick off 2024. Read all the rest of news here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 25th January, with a talk entitled “The History of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane” by Pete Allen.
Update on Defibrillator / CPR Training session:
The session arranged for Thursday 8th February at the Village Hall is now fully booked, but the list for the next one is open and already proving popular. If you wish to register your interest in the next session email Chris Bennett at defib@wtu3a.org.uk to add your name to the list.
Click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024. Contact Carol Johnson on speakersecretary@wtu3a.org.uk if you have any suggestions for a future speaker.
WTu3a Newsletter – December 2023
Our newsletter for December has now been published, and includes news of what some of the groups are planning for 2024. Read all the rest of news here.
The first General Meeting in 2024 is on the 25th January with a talk entitled The History of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane by Pete Allen.
Defibrillator Training: After a show of hands at the last meeting proved this would be something many of you would be interested in attending, a couple of sessions consisting of a talk and a defibrillator demo are currently in the planning stage. More details to follow.
Our Speaker Secretary, Carol Johnson, has booked Speakers into the new year, so click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024.
WTu3a Newsletter – November 2023
Our newsletter for November has now been published, and includes news of what is happening in the groups. Read all the rest of news here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 30th November which along with mulled wine and mince pies, there will be Christmas Entertainment with of a feast of anecdotes and music on a seasonal theme.
There is no General Meeting in December, so we will return in 2024 on the 25th January with a talk entitled The History of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane by Pete Allen.
Defibrillator Training: After a show of hands at the last meeting proved this would be something many of you would be interested in attending, a couple of sessions consisting of a talk and a defibrillator demo are currently in the planning stage. More details to follow.
Our Speaker Secretary, Carol Johnson, has booked Speakers into the new year, so click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024.
WTu3a Newsletter – October 2023
Our newsletter for October has now been published. Read it here. The next general meeting is on Thursday 26th October when our speakers are Ann and John Ford, with their talk entitled “Morris Minors in the Media”.
This is an informative but light-hearted and often amusing presentation by Ann Ford, ably assisted by her husband John who ran a successful business hiring out their collection of Morris Minors (and some other classic cars) to film, TV and publishing companies spanning the period 1990-2015.
Don’t forget to book your tickets for the Quiz Night on Saturday 25th November. Cost is £15 with a Fish & Chip supper included. Full details on the flyer. Contact: wtu3aquiz@gmail.com.
Carol Williams and Sandra Bennett have arranged the 2023 WTu3a Christmas Lunch for Wednesday 6th December, taking place at Chiltern Forest Golf Club.
Three courses for £36 per person which includes raffle and gratuities. View the Menu here. See Carol at the Monthly meeting or email: xmaslunch@wtu3a.org.uk.
Our members are offered free or discounted tickets for Brandenberg Concerts. Please see attached flyer for details.
Our Speaker Secretary, Carol Johnson, has booked Speakers into the new year, so click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024.
WTu3a Newsletter – September 2023
Our newsletter for September has now been published, and includes news of the latest trip to Winchester. Read all the rest of news here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 28th September when our speaker is the returning Dr Kathryn Harkup. Her talk is entitled “Mad, Bad and Dangerous” on why are scientists depicted as chronically shy, slightly odd and carrying out crazy experiments to try and take over the world? Of course, it’s only Bond villains who are plotting to take over the world and most scientists are lovely sociable people. But the stereotype has to come from somewhere…
Carol Williams and Sandra Bennett have arranged the 2023 WTu3a Christmas Lunch for Wednesday 6th December, taking place at Chiltern Forest Golf Club one more. Three courses for £36 per person which includes raffle and gratuities. View the Menu here. See Carol at the Monthly meeting or email: xmaslunch@wtu3a.org.uk.
Our Speaker Secretary, Carol Johnson, has booked Speakers into the new year, so click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until November 2024.
WTu3a Newsletter – August 2023
Our newsletter for August has now been published, and includes news of two new Groups starting in September. Read all the latest news here.
The next general meeting is on Thursday 24th August when our speaker is Paul Robbins. His talk is entitled “The Life of Edward VIII” in which he reveals much about the complex character that was Edward, Prince, King, Emperor and finally Duke.
Our Speaker Secretary, Carol Johnson, had already booked Speakers into the next year, so click the link here to see details of Speakers planned for our General Meetings at the Rugby Club until September 2024!